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Writer's pictureIesha Bree

The Club Scene - Crimson Crush

Updated: Feb 1

Check out this sneak peek! If you don't know whether this book is for you yet... read the scene below!


(Copyrighted & Unedited)


I stood in front of the mirror and turned in a circle to make sure I looked as good as I felt in every angle before heading out the door. I settled on a pair of jean shorts, with a cute bandou top, and a jean jacket. As I was locking the door, I noticed Anna locking her door as well. She wore a brown sundress with a pair of flats.

“Oh, I love your dress,” I told Anna.

She fingered the curls dropping in front of her face behind her ear with a small smile as her cheeks reddened at my compliment.

“Thank you! Same to you— well not your dress. You aren’t wearing a dress, I just mean to say I like what you’re wearing,” she replied.

I smiled and laughed lightly before walking over to her then placing my arms around her shoulder.

“Relax girl, I knew what you meant. Do you want to ride together since we live right next to eachother?” I asked.

Anna nodded with a tight lip smile. I’m sure she didn’t want to stumble over any more of her words. I still couldn’t understand why the hell she was always so nervous all the time. Once we were in the car and made it to the front where everyone was waiting on us it seemed as if she relaxed a little more.

Mateo walked towards us hand in hand with his wife looking as if they were ready to be on the dance floor.

“Since it’s your first time hitting the streets with us we wanted to leave the choice in your hands. Bolero Breeze or Crimson Crush?” he asked.

It wasn’t too hard of a choice Chateau Hills, didn’t have much going on with the nightlife but what it did have was a good time. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I looked around at everyone who decided to go out with us. Before I responded, the door to the front of the building opened and out walked Zeno looking good enough to eat. He held his phone up to his ear going back with someone but it didn’t stop his eye from catching mine for a brief moment before he looked away.

“Hmm, Crimson Crush it is!”

Everyone around me started to head for their cars and Anna got in the car with me. We made small talk the entire way to the club. Crimson crush was the biggest nightclub the area had to offer. I wanted to drink and let my hair down especially because of the day I had. Although, I got him to agree to this one thing I had a feeling that I wasn‘t even remotely close to being able to get everything else I hoped for the winery. I just knew he would fight me tooth and nail.

The club had a large parking lot across from it so we all parked and headed for the entrance. It seemed as if the line was practically down the street. But, Mateo led the way to the door seeming to know the guy who was stationed at the door. I said a silent prayer as they let each of us in without having to wait in line. A few of us went to grab a section while Mateo, his wife, and I went to order a few bottles for the section.

I wasn‘t rolling in money but I had to thank them in some way and not to mention it didn’t look like I would be losing my job anytime soon after tonight. I planned to work my ass off where this job was concerned. The music was blasting throughout the club as wee waited for the bartender.

“How did you know the guy at the front?” I asked Mateo.

“Chewy and I used to work at another winery around the way not here in Chateau Falls but it was a cool spot. When both moved out here at different times so it just worked itself out and he started working here while I continued to stay in wine. He is a cool dude.”

“Clearly! He let all of us into the club before a whole line of people,” I responded with a laugh.

Mateo smiled as the bartender finally walked over so he order a few bottles of vodka and reached into my purse to help pay but he waved me off. I took that as my sign to let it go and keep it moving. I needed to be saving every penny anyway. I did not want to end up in the same situation I was in the last time.

It was as if the thought had conjured him as my ex boss came into view across the club. His eyes were glued to me, I remember when those same eyes used to make me wither in ecstasy but now they just made my skin crawl and stomach roll in disgust that I was ever attracted to him. He was a complete asshole who didn’t care about anyone but himself. When he fired me, he knew my living situation but that just didn’t matter to him.

I quickly turned my back to him hoping the bartender would hurry with Mateos card so we could head back to our section. The moment the bartender walked over with his car I felt a thick hand grip my waist almost as if he had every right to place his hands on me.

Like he was trying to ward other men off from me, which he had no right. I turned around quickly knocking his hands from my hips. Mateo lifted a brow when he seen the change in my expression. I stepped out of my ex’s grip and walked ahead of Mateo and his wife as we made a beeline for our section.

“Are you alright?” Mateos wife asked.

“Yes, he is just a wierdo who felt he could put his hands on me.”

When we made it to the section they seemed to have gotten a space big enough for all of us that held a large couch and was roped off. I was starting to wonder who I was hanging with because they got things done and seemed to know everyone. But I wouldn’t question it tonight I just wanted to dance and enjoy myself.

The music was going in full blast as we all sat around laughing and joking. For the first time since I had been in California I felt like I belonged which was crazy because I had some of the same things I have here. I guess the people truly changed the way you experienced things.

I truly believe it’s because of how I grew up, being on the reservation we all were like family and we could count on one another. Which was the difference with everyone out here, they were ready to one up each other at the cost of another in the blink of an eye. I hated that but it was what it was.

A few of the other girls and I decided to go down after taking a few shots to the dance floor and have a good time. I hadn‘t seen my ex since I brushed him off earlier so I figured he had just walked away. When the song Do You Mind by Vedo ft. Chris Brown. I loved some Vedo as I rotated my hips in the circle of girls. I was shocked when they started to sing the song lyric for lyric with me.

When Chris Brown’s part came on I was in the groove and I felt hands grip my waist once again and it was my ex again. I turned quickly and stormed off towards the bathroom in which Wilson followed me and grabbed my wrist pulling me against the wall.

“You’ve really become an ungrateful bitch, just because you don’t work at Empire anymore doesn’t mean I can’t ruin you. You got some nerve coming in this club with them acting like you own this muthafucka’, do they know how good you are at swallowing the bosses cum?” He sneered in my ear.

I could smell the stench of alcohol practically reeking out of Wilson’s pores as he snapped at me. Then smiled, my upper lip turned up at the face I once thought was so handsome only for him to truly be worth the scum that sticks to the bottom of your shoe.

........ You're going to have to wait for release day for the rest! King Distraction coming real soon!

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