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Writer's pictureIesha Bree

The End... before the beginning

Can I give you a little background...

copyrighted and unedited! I hope you enjoy the first tastes of Sarai and Khyri!


An hour later… 

I found myself sliding my dress over my head. This was the usual when it came to being with Khyri, he would bring me to his condo and then fuck me until I had nothing left. Usually, I would allow him to care for me and my body and then fall asleep in his arms. But tonight, a switch flipped in me, no longer was I okay with my body being used as a playground and my heartstrings being strummed afterward. 

Either he wanted to build something or he didn’t. I was tired of the confusion our interactions caused my mind and my heart. Khyri strode out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Khyri froze, his reflection fixed over my shoulder.

“Leaving?” Disbelief dripped from that single loaded word. His eyes tracked each move as if to decode secret motives while his towel went loose on chiseled hips.

I fixed a smile despite the familiar gravitational pull towards unfinished business. “Yeah, we need space. Process things.”

Khyri crossed the room in long strides, greedy hands extended to halt my departure. I threw up my hand, steadying ragged nerves while securing each buckle.

His fingers brushed over his waves, gathering composure before meeting my avoidance. “What’s there to process? I thought we were on the same page - two consenting adults enjoying each other’s company, no obligations.”

I swallowed bitterness. “It was that, but now it isn’t. Do you lay in bed with every woman you fuck afterward?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

This thing we started became more than a moment of two consenting adults having fun. He started to reply but quickly closed his mouth. 

“Exactly, you know just like I do we have moved beyond a fun sexual experience with no strings attached.” 

Khyri recoiled as if tongue-lashed by the truth. Silence sat suspended - no caresses or pet names to numb the growing void.

“You know I care deeply...” He faltered, the unspoken ‘but’ deafening.

I nodded, accepting reality’s foreclosure on possibility. “I know. Just differently than my heart can handle right now. Find someone who is better suited for your idea of companionship I don’t want any more parts of it.”

I forced broken pieces into my clutch, turning quickly before emotion fractured my facade. I made my way towards the door when he finally spoke up.

“This won’t be our last time seeing each other.” He said with certainty dripping from every word. 

I stopped and peered over my shoulder. “You want to bet. Leave me and my family alone.” 

Khyri’s jaw tightened at my declaration, I turned and rushed from the place that had once been a haven to me. But, I had to be realistic and worry about the things I could control. 

Because Khyri Hamilton… wasn’t it. 

Just a taste... I hope I didn't tease you too much! But this is just the beginning.

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1 Comment

Jan 10

I think l cried a little and it's not even out yet. they bout to make me go through it.🤣😍

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